The Need For Clarity

Kyle Grappone
4 min readOct 17, 2020
Photo by David Travis on Unsplash

What exactly is clarity? We know what it means to be clear about something, but what does achieving clarity look like? Well, in simple terms, it means being as clear as possible about the situation you are examining. This could be something you are currently in or something coming up. Regardless, gaining clarity means gaining a deep understanding about what is going on and what needs to happen next.

So, when it comes to your career, what does clarity actually look like? The answer comes in a few parts. First, clarity means being brutally honest about your current situation. If you hate your job but trick yourself into thinking you don’t, then you are not being clear with yourself with what’s going on. If the only thing you enjoy is that side hustle you have been working on, then it’s clear that is where your future goals need to be pointed towards.

Second part is being clear on what needs to change. You are in an unfavorable situation. How do I get out of it? What do I need to do? For many, the answer comes in the form of finding an alternative career path or launching that money making idea they have been thinking about. However, true clarity is to know exactly what needs to change. It is not only about knowing you need an alternative career path, it is about knowing what paths you are interested in taking. It’s more than just knowing you want to be your own boss. It’s about knowing what you want to sell and to who.

The last part of career clarity is associated with what you are working towards. What makes up a win in your book? What job do you need to hold to feel satisfied and fulfilled? What types of products or services does your business need to sell to achieve your vision? Where is this new path leading too? Also, how long is going to take and what sacrifices will you need to make to get there? Clarity is about taking the time to figure all of this out.

So, why do we need to achieve this type of clarity? Well, for starters, if we are unclear about our future, we would probably end up living an underwhelming life. If you don’t choose your path forward, the universe will choose it for you. If you never stop and think about what you want to do with your life, the universe will push you down the path of least resistance. You will survive and may even get some level of happiness, but it’s not the same as achieving clarity regarding what will make you feel whole.

We also need clarity because of all the noise that is out there in the world. We all walk around with a computer in our pocket. This means we are instantly connected to thousands of idea, suggestions, tips, and pieces of advice. If someone gives you advice, you need to have a goal to match it up against. This way, you can digest the advice and decide whether you’re going to follow it based on if it is going to help you achieve your goal.

If you are not clear about your path forward, you are more likely to be pushed in the wrong direction. For example, I know my goal is to build a company that helps graduates obtain career clarity. If someone advises me to invest money in a tool aimed at marketing to children, I will pass because it does not align with my goals. However, if I have no direction, I may invest in that program because it sounds interesting. Then, after I spend my money and consume the content, I go back to do nothing because I have no goal to apply what I learned towards.

Another crucial reason for clarity is the number of things that fight for our attention every single day. Hundreds of companies flood your eyeballs with advertisements in an attempt to get you to spend your disposable income with them. Many of them promise that their product or service is what’s going to deliver that long awaited happiness or joy that you have been searching for. Then, after you buy it, you realize that happiness is temporary because the service is temporary. You can’t have long-term happiness or success if you are not clear on your long-term plan.

When it comes to things like career changes and business launches, there are hundreds of self-proclaimed gurus who are fighting for your attention and money. Many of them do not even offer a valuable service. Even the ones who do are not for everyone. The only way to know if a program or course is right for you is to match it up against your plan and goals. You have to be able to say “Yes, this course will help me achieve my goals”, otherwise it is just a waste of time or money.

Life comes at you very fast and it never slows down. You are being hit everyday with ads, promises, information, and advice. Some of it is useless, and some it is valuable. You won’t know which is which until you achieve true career clarity. Until you are truthful about where you are, where you are going, and how you are going to get there. The need for clarity has never been more crucial, and I hope now you understand why.

About Me

I (Kyle) am a clarity coach and founder of To The Next Step. I help individuals cut through the noise and gain clarity and direction in their careers and lives.

For many, this means changing careers, starting a side hustle, launching a business, or a combination of all three.

Download my FREE eBook: Cut The Crap — 4 Steps To Career Clarity by clicking here.



Kyle Grappone

Founder of To The Next Step. Coaching individuals to achieve the career clarity they are looking for. Check out my new free eBook